
199 Results / Page 13 of 23

Lines Lune Landing

Maria Mena nominert av Uglesett!

Uglesett var nylig på intervju hos meg i Lines Lune Landing og vokalist Kester Bandlien nominerte Maria Mena som kvinnelig, Norsk artist som fortjener mer oppmerksomhet! Få med deg del 2 kl 16:00 - 26/5 - radiOrakel FM 99,3

todayMay 26, 2021


Agata Zelechowska on music-induced movement, vocal music and Slavic songs

Agata Zelechowska is a researcher interested in music psychology and body movement. In this conversation we speak about music-induced movement, the human voice, the menstrual cycle and Slavic songs. Agata even does a beautiful demonstration of some of the songs. Here are the Slavic songs she sang: Pusta mladost (Bulgaria) Rasti, rasti moj zeleni bore (Serbia) Letila zozula (Ukraine) Jurija, ustavai rana (Belarus) Oj, gorzaline pilbym (Poland) Here is a […]

todayMay 21, 2021


Dana Swarbrick on pandemusicology and her own music (EN)

Dana Swarbrick is a singer-songwriter-scientist who over the past year aimed to understand how virtual concerts can make us feel connected despite being socially distanced as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. She discussed a little about each of her four projects in the field of pandemusicology. Dana also shared music from her latest single 'No Love Left', and performed two brand new songs for us live in the studio 'Where the […]

todayMay 14, 2021


Himmelblå Mai: Al Nakba/Sheikh Jarrah, IDAHOBIT & Viva Los Zapatistas

Kampen om Sheikh Jarrah eskalerer, og vi markerer Al Nakba-dagen/Katastrofen for det Palestinske folket. Vi markerer også Africa Day, og International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism & Transphobia. India gisper etter luft, mens Vesten hamstrer vaksiner. Extinction Rebellion er representert, vi skal en tur til Bogotá og Seved, og vi takker Moder Jord for reint drikkevann. Vi hyller også Zapatistene, som "invaderer" Spania 500 år etter erobringen av Mexico. Mandager […]

todayMay 13, 2021
