radiOrakel Verdens eldste kvinneradio
Abstinens/DJ WhoreMore/Morten Magnus Abstinens Begynte her på Radiorakel med programmet Nevrotika i 1997, og forandret året etter navnet til Blå Daim 77 (syv&søtti), deretter til “Leamus” men fra høsten 2003 har programmet stått stødig under navnet “Abstinens”.
closeDemocracy Now! produces a daily, global, independent news hour hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González. Our reporting includes breaking daily news headlines and in-depth interviews with people on the front lines of the world’s most pressing issues.
closeSuzanne Himmelblå is my name, and this is my show. I have been working at RadiOrakel since 2003. I am a dancer, I do art & expression therapy, and I take part in fire flow jams. Enjoy this hour of treasures I have found!
closeOur podcast is hosted by Allison Kilkenny, a comedy writer and former journalist currently living in NYC. Each episode, she sits down with a guest speaker to discuss current events in pop culture and politics.
closeIntervjuer, samtale og masse god Norsk musikk. Litt politikk og undring blir det også.
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