
Agata Zelechowska on music-induced movement, vocal music and Slavic songs

todayMay 21, 2021

Agata Zelechowska is a researcher interested in music psychology and body movement. In this conversation we speak about music-induced movement, the human voice, the menstrual cycle and Slavic songs. Agata even does a beautiful demonstration of some of the songs.

Here are the Slavic songs she sang:

Pusta mladost (Bulgaria)

Rasti, rasti moj zeleni bore (Serbia)

Letila zozula (Ukraine)

Jurija, ustavai rana (Belarus)

Oj, gorzaline pilbym (Poland)

Here is a note from Agata regarding the folk songs:

“Such folk songs don’t have copyrights and it is difficult to attribute authorship, since they are usually passed on orally from generation to generation. However, I would like to credit people that passed on these songs to me, either in person or through their records. I learned “Pusta mladost” from Kasia Pakosa, “Rasti, rasti moj zeleni bore” from Laboratorium Pieśni, “Letila zozula” from Drewo, “Jurija ustavai rana” from Olga Jemialjanczyk and “Oj, gorzaline pilbym” from Zofia Bernad. Thank you for sharing these fascinating songs and sorry for any variations I introduced while trying to recreate them. I would also like to credit Fundacja OVO for sparking the joy of slavic folk songs in me and my dear Wiedmy for keeping that spark burning bright.”
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    Agata Zelechowska on music-induced movement, vocal music and Slavic songs admin

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