radiOrakel er glade for å kunne samarbeide med festivalen “Le Guess Who?” i Nederland om en samsending live fra festivalen.
“Le Guess Who?” –
With the motto of Listening is the Way Forward, Le Guess Who? is widely considered to be one of the most forward-thinking festivals around. Le Guess Who? exists to promote sounds that are often overlooked, and to platform fresh perspectives on what is possible in music. Artists from all over the world push the boundaries of expectations and offer an insight into the unprecedented diversity of human creativity.
Over the years, Le Guess Who? has grown into a leading international festival, known for the inspiring way in which groundbreaking music is presented. In 2023, visitors from 60 different countries travelled to Utrecht in November to attend the festival. Our mission:
A playground for discovery and exploration, Le Guess Who? changes minds through music and connects communities worldwide through the power of sound
From 7-10 November 2024, Le Guess Who? once again takes over the entire city of Utrecht, with over 150 artists performing in pop venues, theaters, churches, clubs, warehouses, and more. U? is the participative and freely accessible day program of Le Guess Who?, created for and with the city of Utrecht. COSMOS is our globe-spanning initiative that amplifies local scenes from around the world through films, interviews, performances, and artist residencies.
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18.00-19.00 Torsdag 07.11 – Sonic Interventions // RW Jas
00.00-01.00 Fredag 08.11 – Wu-Lu
00.01-02.00 Fredag 08.11 – TBC
23.00-00.00 Fredag 08.11 – RW // Livwutang & Richard Akingbehin
00.00-01.00 Lørdag 09.11 – RW x Stranded- chananja & edós
01.00-02.00 Lørdag 09.11 – RP Boo
01.00-02.00 Mandag 11.11 – COSMOS x Refuge Worlwide Mixtape
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