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Justin Hancock er sexolog og har vært i bransjen i mer enn 20 år. Han underviser unge, voksne, i tillegg til andre studenter som skal utdanne seg til sexologer. Sammen med Meg-John har han skapt en podkast som har et feministisk, interseksjonelt og sex-positivt perspektiv på seksualivet.
Om podkasten skriver Justin Hancock:
We’re all about sex and relationship advice, ideas, and education. A lot of sex and relationship advice claims to be from ‘sexperts’ who can give you ‘the secret’ to ‘great sex’. We’re not about that at all! We’ve learnt a lot about sex and relationships over the years, but it’s important to remember that only you can be the expert on your experiences, your desires, and your relationships. We’re all in this together with the kinds of messages we receive about sex and relationships, and we all struggle with them
I ‘Culture, Sex and Relationships’ kan du høre om:
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