
Çağrı Erdem’s Coffin Music and Body Instruments

todayJanuary 2, 2022


Çağrı Erdem is a performer, music technologist, and researcher specializing in improvised electroacoustic music, machine agency and musical human-computer interaction. His resent research focussed on embodied cognitive approaches to developing and performing with musical artificial intelligence. In this episode we talk about the body, 4Es, and more, and listened to some of Çağrı’s own works.

Music in this episode:

Çağrı Erdem – “Ju’r”

Percussive! – “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become”

Çağrı Erdem – “Hell of a Coffin”

CAVI & Christian Winther – impro

CAVI & Dag Erik Knedal Andersen – impro

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    Cagri Erdem 2021 11 {day Solveigs speisa musikk

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Exercise Music

You probably prefer to exercise to music rather than silence. At least that seems to be what people do. Why is it so? Is there something about music that makes us perform better physically? And what about the effects of music and exercise on mental performance? In this episode Solveig discusses this with Les Mills instructor Pernille Thorvaldsen, sports psychologist Henrik Herrebrøden, and bioengineer Kayla Burnim. Music in this episode: […]

todayJanuary 2, 2022
